the sad story of finding my lost curiosities over the years

محصولِ ۱۳۸۷ اسفند ۱۷, شنبه
هزینه‌ی ساخت: ۲۵ میلیون دلار

دروغ، حقیقت، رهایی

Did you ever notice that one of the first things they teach you in life is to lie?

I am starting to get a hint what “born again” really means and it makes sense.

By the time we are adults and age a little, we discover that we are so full of garbage that has accumulated in our lives we almost have to forget everything and learn all over again.
That which we thought and was taught to be true in many cases was not.  From science to religion and governance, no one can escape the lie.
It is getting so bad I wonder if most people would know the truth if it stared them in the face and truth introduced itself.
That is a little scary isn’t it?  On the other hand people were probably always like this and there is no such thing as the “good old days”.
I think realizing that truth is rare and precious is the first step in becoming free.


مطلب ویژه

فالون دافا

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