the sad story of finding my lost curiosities over the years

محصولِ ۱۳۸۶ تیر ۳۱, یکشنبه
هزینه‌ی ساخت: ۲۵ میلیون دلار

دوست جدید

It’s my honor to announce that another friend of mine has just joined me to reveal his thoughts and document them in a way that he will be able to enjoy them 50 years later. Of course these two friends are temporarily here (due to my invitation) and will run their own blog in future in case they feel like they’ve fallen in love with writing just like what has already happened to me during last two years. It’s worth noting that I don’t expect them to write as regular as me since their minds might not be as dirtily messed up as mine! I won’t also be surprised if they stop writing after a short time in case they don’t enjoy being here.
So, let’s wish them luck, and see what their minds hold in store!

مطلب ویژه

فالون دافا

«فالون دافا»، به «فالون گونگ» نیز معروف است. روشی معنوی است که بخشی از زندگی میلیون‌ها نفر در سراسر جهان شده است. ریشه در مدرسه بودا دارد. ا...

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