the sad story of finding my lost curiosities over the years

محصولِ ۱۳۸۷ دی ۱۸, چهارشنبه
هزینه‌ی ساخت: ۲۵ میلیون دلار


fallen angel: can I ask you a bunch of questions for an interview-like thing?
somebody: sure, I'd be happy to answer them all :)
fallen angel: okay

fallen angel: Who was the most important person in your life? Can you tell me about him or her?
somebody: well, I think it was my father and mother, because they helped me a lot to become who I am now
fallen angel: kool

fallen angel: Who has been the kindest to you in your life?
somebody: my mother
fallen angel: seems that mothers always are
somebody: yea :) they are

fallen angel: What is your earliest memory?
somebody: earliest nicest? sadest?
fallen angel: eairliest period
somebody: hmm, nothing specifically
fallen angel: huh

fallen angel: If you could hold on to one memory from your life for eternity, what would that be?
somebody: the time being in high school, it was the most delightful period of my life
fallen angel: cool

fallen angel: How has your life been different than what you'd imagined?
somebody: well, I'd never thought much about the way I could build my future. I had always had this in my mind that future will happen the way it wants, no matter we like it or not, I mean, I believe that our efforts has the least effect on defining it, so, I have always tried to, just to be nice to other people, to make them happy as much as I can, for it will return to me in future
fallen angel: holy crap that is deep
somebody: :)

fallen angel: How would you like to be remembered?
somebody: remebered as someone who made a difference
fallen angel: how so
fallen angel: what diffrence
somebody: hmm...
somebody: I don't know, being different happens, I want it to happen, just don't know how!
fallen angel: lol

fallen angel: Do you have any regrets?
somebody: No, I have always made the right decesions in the right moments, so I don't regret anything
fallen angel: kool
somebody: you know
somebody: there is nothing to regret for anybody, we all think that our decesions are the best when we are making them, so there is no point in regreting in future
fallen angel: again deep

fallen angel: What does your future hold?
somebody: my long-term future holds everything that I have in my dreams, everything that have been put in my mind from the very beginning, from the day I came to life,
somebody: but if you ask me about short-term futures, as I told you, it's out of my hands
fallen angel: yes true

fallen angel: When and where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
What was it like?
fallen angel: sorry felt like just lumping those 2 get her
somebody: I was born and grown up in ... . You know it was really cool, all of my childhood and adolescenthood, I really miss those days, there was no pain, no bad memories, I'm happy for that
fallen angel: sounds awsome
somebody: yea, really awesome

fallen angel: What is your best memory of childhood? Worst?
somebody: Well, being apart from my mother and father for one month was really different, for they went on a journey and I was left to my relatives. My grandma, my dear cousin, my aunt, my uncles, you know, they made it really easy for me to experience a new kind of life, and I liked it
fallen angel: sounds like fun my rents would never do that

fallen angel: thank you
somebody: you are welcome
fallen angel: *highfives*
somebody: *highfives* back
fallen angel: lol

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فالون دافا

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