حالم بد بود. ولی الان خوبم.
فکر کنم بعد از یک سال و یک ماه وبلاگ نویسی این اولین باریه که یک متن رو با سلام شروع می کنم!
خوب دیگه این هم مربوط می شه به اندازه ی شعورم.
اون آقایی که شعر بالای صفحه از ایشونه:
I can hardly hear the roar of the ocean
Going deaf by the heartbeat of the land
I'm thirsty for the taste of seawater
Waiting for the tide to rise again
Taking me where I belong
چند هفته بود که ازش (گیلاد) خبری نبود. تا اینکه خودش برگشت و توی وبلاگش توضیح داد که ساعت 4 صبح بهش زنگ زده اند که بره خط مقدم جبهه برای نبرد با حزب ا... و باقی ماجرا...
Hello my friends,
You probably noticed I wasn't around for a couple of weeks.
This doesn't happen to me often, and if it does happen, I usually would alert you first.. Well, this time I couldn't do that. I was called to join the war on a night call (04:00 AM if you must know), abd by 8:00 AM I was already in my drafting point ready to be shipped to the front.
So, sorry for disappearing like that.
There will time to tell you more about what I've been through (as much as I can say), but I just wanted to say hi, and that I'm thrilled to return, alive.
I lost some friends to the Hezbollah, and been through hell, and the "seize fire" that was called caught me right in time. Homesick for my family, friends, and you guys.
I took some pictures, of course, but non of the combat itself. It was hard enough keeping me and my friend's safe, to carry my camera with me as well. That's the advantage journalists have, being free from fighting tasks. I never realized how dangering it can be to mix the tasks you must do to survive, with the state of mind I need to do my photography.
Let me just add a silent wish for peace again.
I know how impossible it seems, when the enemy objective seems to be only to kill you (And the Israeli state), and so there can be no negotiations, but still, I believe, it is possible to create a balance where people can simply decide not to fight and focus on their own lives.
I'm sorry if some of your messages and comments from the recent weeks will not be answered, since I could never go through all the amount waiting for me.
I will still be missing for some time since I still have to return there for a short while, but it's good to be back. Very good.
Yours, G
راستی، تا یادم نرفته بگم که فیلم "به نام پدر" رو هم دیدم. اگر قبل از نمایش فیلم با من مشورت کرده بودند حتما پیشنهاد می کردم که اسم فیلم رو "به نام گوشی سامسونگ" انتخاب کنند. اینجوری کسانی که با نحوه کار گوشی سامسونگ آشنایی داشتند مجبور نبودند یکی دو ساعت از وقت با ارزش خودشون رو برای دیدن دلمشغولی های آقای حاتمی کیا تلف کنند!!!
این آخرین شعریه که گیلاد:
We live in an organized and graphic world
All we really have to do is follow the dots and continue the lines
If we do, life will be simple, and the picture will be complete
However, it's the times we choose the wrong dots that makes life worth living
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